Categories for the Working MathematicianSaunders Mac Lane 1 / 5Publisher: SpringerRelease Date: 2 / 5ISBN: Author: Saunders Mac LaneDownload Here3 / 5array of general ideas useful in a wide variety of fields. Starting from the foundations, this bookilluminates the concepts of category, functor, natural transformation, and duality. It then turns toadjoint functors, which provide a description of universal constructions, an analysis of therepresentations of functors by sets of morphisms, and a means of manipulating direct and inverselimits. These categorical concepts are extensively illustrated in the remaining chapters, which includemany applications of the basic existence theorem for adjoint functors.

Mac Lane Categories For The Working Mathematician Pdf Converter

Preface to the Second Edition. This second edition of 'Categories Work' adds two new chapters on topics of active interest. One is on symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories and the coherence theorems for them-items of interest in their own right and also in view of their use in string theory in quantum field theory. Categories for the Working Mathematician - for the Working Mathematician Second Edition Springer. Contents Preface to the Second Edition v Preface to the First Edition vii Introduction 1 18.705-Saunders Mac Lane Categories for the Working Mathematician Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1998.

The categories of algebraicsystems are constructed from certain adjoint-like data and characterised by Beck's theorem. Afterconsidering a variety of applications, the book continues with the construction and exploitation of Kanextensions. This second edition includes a number of revisions and additions, including new chapterson topics of active interest: symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories, and thecoherence theorems for them, as well as 2-categories and the higher dimensional categories whichhave recently come into prominence.Find the Full PDF Here4 / 5Can Download the PDF Hereby TCPDF ( 5 / 5

Mac Lane Categories For The Working Mathematician Pdf

Categories for the Working Mathematician provides an array of general ideas useful in a wide variety of fields. Starting from the foundations, this book illuminates the concepts of category, functor, natural transformation, and duality. The book then turns to adjoint functors, which provide a description of universal constructions, an analysis of the representations of functors by sets of morphisms, and a means of manipulating direct and inverse limits. These categorical concepts are extensively illustrated in the remaining chapters, which include many applications of the basic existence theorem for adjoint functors.

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The categories of algebraic systems are constructed from certain adjoint-like data and characterized by Beck's theorem. After considering a variety of applications, the book continues with the construction and exploitation of Kan extensions. This second edition includes a number of revisions and additions, including two new chapters on topics of active interest. One is on symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories and the coherence theorems for them. The second describes 2-categories and the higher dimensional categories which have recently come into prominence. The bibliography has also been expanded to cover some of the many other recent advances concerning categories. From the reviews of the second edition: “The book under review is an introduction to the theory of categories which, as the title suggests, is addressed to the (no-nonsense) working mathematician, thus presenting the ideas and concepts of Category Theory in a broad context of mainstream examples (primarily from algebra).

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