With this passport photo app, you can format, print, or save passport photos in seconds. It comes with passport photo templates for 100 countries. Zoom text for mac. As well as passport photos, this app is ideal for printing photos for job applications. More than ten popular formats for job application photos have also been predefined.
With this passport photo app, you can format, print, or save passport photos in seconds. It comes with passport photo templates for 100 countries. As well as passport photos, this app is ideal for printing photos for job applications. Windows Centric: Format as NTFS. MacOS can read NTFS, but will not write. You can add write support with paid drivers, free drivers, or experimental write support in OS X. See: How to Write to NTFS Drives on a Mac. Mac Centric: Format as HFS (Hierarchical File System), and add HFS support to Windows. See: 4 Ways To Read A Mac Formatted Drive In Windows.
No nation Save your money Causes massive color shift and no real editing/resizing available. Now worth the effort to try to use.
In response to the developer’s response: The printer (HP DeskJet 8958) is fairly new, it has a complete set of new ink cartridges. The background of the passport/visa photo was taken against a white painted wall the photo viewed on the computer has a white background. The printed photo has a light GRAY backgrdound. This is indeed a color shift. The same photo printed to the same printer with a different app has a white background. Developer Response }} Thank you for your feedback.
The app offers very good resize functionality. There is also no color shift. Maybe the ink in the printer is almost empty or your photos doesn’t have the required sRGB ICC profile. No nation Save your money Causes massive color shift and no real editing/resizing available.